Monday, May 31, 2010

it's been a while...

I know I haven't written in a while...other things to do! Well, I got a job!! We are thrilled that I'm working half-time in Landmark starting in September. I can't believe it's right in the town where I live and half-time - too good to be true - but it is true:) I also know a lot of the staff already, so I'm excited to start. It'll be nice to get back into teaching. I already have child care lined up, so I'm ready! Besides that we've been keeping busy with enjoying the warm Spring weather and playing outside lots. Thomas loves it outside, as I'm sure all kids do. These past 3 days though we've had an insane amount of rain, so we've had to be indoors a lot. But it's sunny today so we're off to the park after Thomas wakes up from his nap! May has also been a good subbing month, which I'm happy about. I don't think I'll get much in June just because it's the end of the year. Another fun thing happening is that Chris and I are headed to Minneapolis without Thomas on Thursday. I'm excited to get away for a bit, even though I know I'll miss Thomas. This will be my first time away from him for the evening! Yikes!! But, Chris and I are going to go to Valley Fair, shop and enjoy some quality time together. This is much needed. Well, that's an update for now. Here is a recent picture of Thomas. He seems to be growing more every day!

Monday, April 19, 2010


I'm frustrated with my lack of work. I seriously thought I'd be called more by Hanover School Divison, but that isn't the case. I really don't know what I'll do...maybe sign up for another school division. Oh, least the weather outside is GORGEOUS!! I think I'm going to set a tub of water up outside and let Thomas splash in the water later this afternoon. I can't believe we're having this weather in April.

The last few weeks have been busy. My parents have been out twice - once for Easter and the next time for my Grandma's funeral. Both times were lovely visits, thought the funeral visit was a bit busier of course. The funeral was a great family time and a wonderful time of remembering my amazing Grandma. She finally is with Jesus in heaven, and I'm so happy for her.

Well, off to drink some ice tea and move some more rocks. Chris is turning a little pond we had outside on our deck into a sandbox for Thomas. Yeah!! But there are a lot of rocks we have to move to make the sandbox, so that's what I'm doing.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thomas turns 1

Thomas is 1!! It's hard to believe only a year ago I had a little baby that wouldn't sleep, and now I have a toddler!! We had a great birthday party for him on Sunday. He marched around grinning at everyone and enjoyed every minute. He also enjoyed the cake, but ate it just like he was eating peas and carrots. No real excitement...which was kind of funny! He slept very well after the party. Actually, he's been sleeping well almost every night lately - 11-12 hours every night! I won't complain about that.
I've been back to work now almost a month and it's gone fine. I've worked 8 days and it's been pretty easy. Thomas had a few rough days at the babysitter's house, but now he seems to have adjusted to another house and enjoys it. This is a big relief. The first day that he did terrible, I didn't know what I was going to do. Not working isn't an option, so I just prayed and prayed and he did fine the next day! Yeah!! I think subbing will work out for the rest of this year, and then we'll see where God leads in the fall. I'm hoping for some kind of teaching job, not subbing. Well, gotta go get a cup of coffee...or a nap...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What a great Olympics! I am sad it's over, but Canada ended up doing great:) So, it's March 2 and I officially was able to work starting yesterday. However, I didn't get called yesterday to sub or today. This is a bit stressful since I do need to work, so I hope I get called soon. I know I made this decision, but sometimes I wish I had just gone back to work full time so I wouldn't be stressed about making money. But, God is faithful. He has been time and time again, so I need to not worry! Well, that's my little stress for today. I don't know what Thomas and I will do today...maybe go visit a friend who just had a baby. Chris is off ice fishing with his dad. What a great day to go! The weather has been perfect lately! I also can't believe Thomas is 1 in less than 2 weeks. What a big boy! I just sent off his 1 year pictures to get printed. I hear some loud banging in the background...should go and see what Thomas is getting into!

Monday, February 15, 2010

I'm loving the Olympics! I really am an Olympic junkie!!! If I was an Olympian I would definitely be a speedskater. I think those men and women are amazing! Anyway, so that's what we've been doing lately...watching the Olympics. Chris and I also managed to go out for dinner...the first time since my birthday in June! It was highly overdue. We dropped Thomas off at Chris's parents around 4 and had supper at 5! I know it's a bit early, but this restaurant is very popular and doesn't take reservations. So, we had supper, went for dessert and were back at Chris's parents to pick Thomas up at 7:30. It was wonderful! Hopefully we can do this a bit more regularly. We used to go out for dinner a lot, but things have definitely changed with a baby:) Well, I'm looking forward to watching more Olympic coverage today. Hopefully some more medals for Canada!